Monday, June 4, 2012

Art Comes In Many Forms

Many who follow me know, that I have been dealing with auto immune issues. After years and months of trying many forms of therapy I have not gotten very far. I finally found a group of Doctors that have been able to help me where my regular Doctors have not.  Not through faults of there own, but simply that they have not tried other methods and blood work test that really honed in on what was going on with me due to insurance and other factors.  I wanted to share this video of my team of doctors who asked me to be on a local program in my area Atlanta & Company. 

This may not be a post about Art, but it is about the Artistry of a group of Doctors who care so much and desire at their core to see others get back to a healthy state and quality of life. It is a long process that I'm going through, a journey to better health.  I' am forever grateful that I was watching TV and saw Dr. Philip and Bridget Gatcha.  I'm not suffering from pain and now enjoying the process of holding a paint brush in my hand  and creating again.  I sincerely hope this little post helps you the reader my followers.  You or someone you know maybe going through something very similar.  There truly is hope and help out there. 

I'm feeling like a new person everyday and so enjoying the process of creating and being able to share my new hand painted items to you my clients and readers.

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